Browsing All posts tagged under »mishap«

Pre-Thanksgiving: Joyful Mayhem Involving Large Appliances

November 23, 2016


Life in the Boomer Lane has just hosted her children and grandchildren in a pre-Thanksgiving research project to test the theory that a house can hold 5.5 times the number of people it was designed to hold, as long as they are all related to each other. Six adults and five children occupied a space normally […]

The Boomer and the Law

April 3, 2015


This year, Life in the Boomer Lane submitted her taxes and subsequently had a call from her tax guru. “I was looking at your personal property statement for your car, and there was an inspection sticker attached to it,” she said. LBL immediately went to her car to see if anything was amiss, but saw […]

There Was a Crooked Man…

March 30, 2015


  Life in the Boomer Lane, discarding any number of current world atrocities she could wax poetic about, has instead chosen to entertain readers with her current kitchen improvement project. This project includes custom cabinetry of the one existing cabinet in her kitchen, installation of concrete counter tops to the two mini-counters her kitchen has, […]

LBL Attends A Political Presentation

January 6, 2014


Life in the Boomer Lane attended a presentation yesterday evening, given by a candidate running for county board.  She did this because Now Husband is out-of-town and Downton Abbey didn’t start until 9PM and so she would be home on time. She also believed there existed a slight possibility that she might have understood enough […]

The Vamoose Party

November 28, 2013


Those of you who enjoy reading about fun travel and adventure have, no doubt, heard of the antics of the Donner Party, a California Trail wagon train of eighty-one American pioneers who in 1846 found themselves trapped by snow in the Sierra Nevada. Thirty-six members of the party perished as a result of starvation, exposure, […]

Butt Tag, Redefined

November 10, 2013


My friend Susan, when she isn’t having dates with men who wear antlers or slippers out to dine, goes to weddings. Susan attends more weddings than a bag of rice. After she finished attending the weddings of her countless friends, she soon began attending the second weddings of some of them. Even while that round […]

Nana Has A Rap Sheet

October 14, 2013


In the ongoing spins of the Great Wheel of Life, Judy is usually too short to reach the lever. She has noticed, however, that the wheel keeps spinning without her. This is either tragic or hilarious, depending on her frame of mind at the moment or on her audience. However it plays out, the finest […]

When Good GPS’s Go Bad

July 15, 2013


The circumstances of Life in the Boomer Lane’s jet set lifestyle involved Now Husband making a reservation at a hotel near the Newark Airport, picking her up at the airport, and driving to the hotel. LBL will give you no other details about where she was coming from, why she and Now Husband had to […]

Latest Weapon of Mass Destruction: The Throw Pillow

April 28, 2013


Having had such a swell time with my recent trip to the ER, I decided to arrange for another life threatening adventure. Since I had been caring for my one-and-a-half year old and three-and-a-half year old grandsons, all scary and deadly items had been safely stored away.  So I had to get creative. Calling upon […]

Turning A Life-Threatening Emergency into Something Bad

April 11, 2013


The other night, Life in the Boomer Lane came perilously close to joining her ancestors in the Big Shtetl in the Sky. The events were as follows: While having a conversation with her daughter, a virus and annoying cough she has been dealing with all week triggers a severe asthmatic reaction, resulting in LBL’s inability […]