Women in Packaging

Posted on February 17, 2011


The title of this post doesn’t refer to Angelina Jolie action figures or to or females with all of their body parts squished into Spanx.  Women in Packaging, Inc is “an international, nonprofit, professional packaging organization dedicated to the growth and success of packaging professionals.”  There.  Now you know.  In addition to Women in Packaging, there are numerous companies and organizations (and actual coaches) that deal with product packaging in all its forms. 

Packaging affects much of what we buy.  Some might say it affects everything we buy.  Or who we will marry (which in some cases, is the same as what we buy.)  And, in recent years, it has influenced manufacturers in their attempt to separate Boomers from their inherited wealth  hard-earned money.  And, because women make 80% of buying decisions for households, this equals an amount of money that comes pretty darn close to what Imelda Marcos got when she sold off her shoe collection. 

So, what do Boomer Women want in product packaging?  The answers are:

  1. Colors other than pink.  We are getting really tired of this, and we stopped having pink bathrooms in 1964 so it won’t match anyway.
  2. Photos of 20 year old women on boxes of hide-the-gray products.  We feel really bad that there are so many women in their 20s who have grey hair.  So let them have their own products.
  3. Tiny print on anything.  Especially those pesky words, “This product may be hazardous to your health.”  Or worse, “This product may cause you to gain ten pounds and then have a really bad hair day the likes of which you have never had before.”
  4. Simplify the ingredients list.  Instead of “sodium anisate,” can you just say “basil extract?”
  5. Package products in a way that doesn’t necessitate a scissors, butcher knife, screw driver, pliers, and chain saw to open. 
  6.  Use a minimum amount of packaging.  It’s not necessary to encase products suitable for donkey journeys across the Eurasian steppe.
  7. Truth in advertising.  Instead of a face and body cream saying “Takes away all wrinkles and lifts boobs in seven days!” be realistic.  Say, “May, in rare instances, have a temporary, minutely positive impact on a couple women who you don’t know.” 

On second thought, scratch #7.