I Read Too Much

I read so many books that I can’t remember half of them.  So a couple of years ago, I started writing them down.  Here are some that have resonated with me, changed my life, inspired me, made me read sections over and over, or aren’t all that but are just really worth reading:

Everything Is Illuminated, Jonathan Safran Foer

The History of Love, Nicole Krauss

What is the What, Dave Eggars

The Lost: A Search for Six of Six Million, Daniel Mendelsohn

Lamb, Christopher Moore

Songs in Ordinary Time, Mary McGinty Morris

Beloved, Toni Morrison

Kavalier and Clay, Michael Chabon

The Red Tent, Anita Diamant

The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down, Anne Fadiman

The Choiring of the Trees, Donald Harington

The Architecture of the Arkansas Ozarks, Donald Harington

The Cockroaches of Staymore, Donald Harington

Another Place, The Right  Place, Donald Harington

Handling Sin, Michael Malone

The Crying Heart Tattoo, David Martin

To the End of the Land, David Grossman

The Glass Castle, Jeanette Walls

The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, Junot Diaz

Lucky You, Carl Hiaasen

1491, Charles Mann

The Poisonwood Bible, Barbara Kingsolver

Fall On Your Knees, Anne Marie MacDonald

Breakheart Hill, Thos Cook

The Fault in Our Stars, John Green

City of Theives,  David Benioff

The Passage, Justin Cronin

The Orphan Master’s Son, Adam Johnson


41 Responses “I Read Too Much” →
  1. Dear Renee,

    Sorry for barging in like this, but I hope you can spare a bit of your time to read my post My 7 Links: http://drieskewrites.wordpress.com/2011/12/27/my-7-links/

    You will find your name in it, and the link to your blog. This blog.

    I couldn’t think of another way to contact you, sorry. You can delete this post after reading.

    Wishing you all the best for 2012!

    Kind regards,
    Figments of a Dutchess

  2. I wish I had been keeping a list all of these years. I always have this strange fear that I will never ever find another book as good as the last one that I have just finished. Of course I always do. Maybe I will start my list tonight.

  3. Did you read J.S. Foer’s other amazing book, “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close”? I think I might have liked it even better. Such a terrific author.

    • I haven’t read that one yet. It’s sitting in my pile of books to be read. Foer is amazing, even more so because he is started writing at such a young age. And his wife, Nicole Krauss is also a gifted writer.

      • I know! He’s my age, eeps! Inspirational, to put it mildly. I also read his book “Eating Animals” about the commercial farming industry (and actually referenced it in one of my last blogs), and it’s a hard one to take, but I’ve passed it on to several people. I had no idea about his wife, so I’ll definitely look her up. Thanks!

        • “Eating Animals” has has a huge impact on me. I lost 10 lbs after reading it. I couldn’t eat anything but fruit and vegetables. Then I calmed down. But my eating patterns have definitely changed. “The History of Love” by Strauss, is one of my favorite books.


  4. carolcovin

    April 3, 2012

    I once thought about writing down a list of everything i read, but then i realized it would cut into my reading time. Now, I split my time between reading cancer survivor stories (to see what they know that no one else does) and classic children’s books (Hah! I knew there was some reason I was keeping all my children’s old books), but I actually write about these books to share with others. For myself, I’ve got a stack by the bedside. At 15 minutes a night, I periodically have to go through the stack and admit I’m not going to read them all.

    Love ur blog.

    • Thanks, Carol. I started writing the books down a few years ago. It comes in handy when people ask me for a good book to read and I don’t go “Uh, ooh, ah, I can’t remember any names.” Now i send them a list of 20 books and they never ask me again.


  5. Wallace Fulton

    April 10, 2012

    The History of Love, is written by Nicole, not Alison Krauss. Though Alison and her band Uninon Station is one of my favorite singers.


  6. carolcovin

    April 11, 2012

    You are a generous, kind person. Even knowing that they will probably never read from your list, at least you have a way to supply such a list. I always figured if I were being interviewed and they asked what I was reading at the moment, I would have to get back to them later, run home and see what was on my bedside table. Now, at least I can point them to my Thursday blog posts for one of the books I’ve read recently.


  7. Laurie Mirkin

    April 19, 2012

    I can’t remember how many books I’ve read. I probably could only name the ones that made me cry or change my life. My problem is I’m usually 40 pages into a book when the magic light bulb in my head goes off and I remember I already read it! Every birthday I take whatever money I’ve gotten as a gift and head for Barnes and Noble. I come home with a bag of books and the next morning is like Christmas. I get up and look at each one, reading the jacket and about the author and I’m in my own little book-world. Pretty old school but I’m resisting getting a Kindle. For now.

  8. I joined Goodreads.com where you can list your books and also rate and review (optional). It’s a fun way to discuss books with others, and find out what’s good. (I wrote a review on the Steve Jobs biography and got “likes” and comments for months.) Plus you can do a review and then copy and paste the hypertext into a widget on your blog. That’s how I got the reviews and graphics into the sidebars on my blog.
    For which I just typed “glob.” Amazing what one letter will do.
    Signed, Lynne from Any Whiny Thing.

    • I think I might have done that for awile and then got lazy. I still get their emails. I should start reading them again. I always have a stack of books to read and then get diverted and start reading something not in the stack. Am now reading “Let the Great World Spin.” I love good writing!

    • Goodreads.com is so fantastic! Would love to see both your reading lists – search me! kimberly@kimberlycave.ca

  9. I see so many of my own favorites on your list. I knew we shared impeccable taste. Have you read my favorite book, “Bel Canto” by Ann Patchett?


  10. carolcovin

    May 10, 2012

    You’re so funny. What a clever strategy. Overwhelm them with kindness. I used to “lend” out my books, but I never got them back and got really annoyed when I wanted to put my hands on one of my books and then remembered I’d lent it to someone, I didn’t know who. Now, they have to get their own. I’ll just tell them about them:)

  11. I don’t read enough.

  12. I should make a list. I have been known to buy books that I have read and forgotten about. After a few pages, I figure it out.

  13. I, too, have borrowed or purchased books I have read before. We all really should make a list!

  14. I love the Poisonwood Bible. It makes me want to go to Africa. It also makes me realize I would probably die in Africa. Either by snakes or fire ants…

  15. The Fault in Our Stars is fantastic! I’m really excited about the movie adaptation that’s coming out later in the year. I’d thoroughly recommend his novel Paper Towns if you’ve not had the chance to read it already 🙂

  16. I can’t find a contact address for you here Renee. Could you send me an email (the one linked to my wp acct. is fine) I have an idea to run by you. Thanks!

  17. I love to read too! I have more books than I have book cases for them! I have not read any of the books on your list.

    A few that have resonated with me are: How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.

    Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff and It’s All Small Stuff by Richard Carlson.

    Love, Medicine and Miracles by Dr Bernie S. Siegel.

  18. I forgot to mention: I LOVE the sub-title of your blog: Confessions of a former hula-hoop champion. Hula-hooping is one of my favorite exercises.

  19. I loved Lamb.
    Have you read A Gracious Plenty, by Sheri Reynolds?
    In my top five.

    And Einstein’s Dreams, by Alan Lightman.

    (I’ve been away a long time. Hi, again. :))

  20. In my family, we both read much. So, what is much? In my case it means that I have about 1500 books in French, because I wanted to learn French. I started to collect French books already in 1975. Now I have read all them thrice and one tour to read all of them, takes about 10 years. Of, course I read other books, but very seldom.

    We read normally just before sleeping.

  21. Added them to my goodreads want-to-read book stash. I am reading Wonder- by R.J. Palacio right now


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